Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Isdaan, Gerona Tarlac

Isdaan is one fine restaurant that you wouldn't even think existing in the landlocked province of Tarlac. Being here is like you're in another country or some sort. With its very remarkable setup, good food and display, this restaurant should be included in your list.

Upon arriving in
Gerona's more than a hectare restaurant, the name "Isdaan" means fishery really speaks for itself. Huge sculptures of fishes are atop a pond filled with several types of fishes - mostly kois. These fish sculptures are somewhat re-enacting a scene where a bamboo pole has caught a fish. As you look at it, you can really imagine how the fish would act from the time it was trapped from the sharp hook.

As we walked through the restos bamboo flooring, we've noticed lots of different statues are all over the place. From sleeping security guards, rooster, huge monkeys playing around, dinosaurs from ancient times, bronze Thai buddhas, native aetas bearing jar clays and their catch of the day and even famous personalities of the late
Jaime Cardinal Sin and former President of the Philippines Corazon Aquino. You're eyes are really filled with these masterpieces and would definitely get excited to survey the area.

One of the best sites in the area are the nipa huts. These are suspended over the pond where school of kois are around waiting for some food. These huts were some sort of guarded by the waiters with their laminated-cardboard like menus. Asking you what to eat and even guiding you where's the best location the restaurant has to offer. Warm and hospitable are the common thing for these "pampangueño" folks, not to mention their mastery of food making.

Seafoods are sold like pancakes because of its guaranteed freshness. An average of P300 bucks per meal is not bad for a taste of their home-grown "tilapia" or "bangus" Not to mention some seranade going on while you are eating. Sweet!

After getting busy with our meal, we were a little bit curious of the sounds of breaking glasses. Then Club Tourists discovered "The Tacsiyapo Wall". How to do this? Buy a P15 bucks worth of cups or P20-P50 bucks worth of plates. Then select from the following from the wall:

Sip-sip! Taksil! Bolero! Bolera! Intrigera! Tsismosa!

After selecting one, Shout out loud - TACSIYAPO! (means shame on you!). One of the best way to release stress and anger with a cost of course.

Don't ever go to Isdaan without trying this one!

For more information regarding Isdaan:

Gerona, Tarlac
Contact Number: 045-9312196

What other Blogs say about Isdaan?

Our Awesome Planet
by Anton
Backpacking Philippines and Asia


Anonymous said...

the number is not working...

Anonymous said...

my gosh..ive been trying to contact this number...
would any1 corect this??

Club Tourists said...

@ Anonymous
Hi there, we're currently looking for Isdaan's new number. We'll post it as soon as we get hold of the number.

For the meantime, we've seen a blog worth reading for. This is about a person's bad experience in Isdaan. "Bukas-Kotse" gang is all over the place. Kindly visit this website (http://tsikot.yehey.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58465) for more details.

Heads up to everyone.

Club Tourists

Isdaan said...

Enjoyed not just the meal but also the stay in Isdaan. Especially the Tacsiyapo and the ambiance of the place. With lots of nice sightseeing such as the three monkey where you can get 1 kilo of fish, the fishes everywhere, the golden buddha and a lot more interesting things!

Anonymous said...

Great day!
I've been there twice na, But then i forgot na all those prices, Can u give me a family treat prices?.. i guess 8-10 persons! Then iba ibng viands ng dishes.. Bsta gud for 8-10 persons lang!... Asap sana, Kasi mag vi-visit kami jan maybe 3rd week ng december 19-23,2011.. Need ur feedback.. Here's my add.. tEff180126@yahoo.com